2025 Exhibitor & Supporter Information
Supporter, Exhibitor, & Advertising Opportunities
The 2025 Lowcountry Mental Health Conference will be held from July 30- August 1, 2025. This is a great opportunity to network with more than 1,500 mental health professionals in person and an additional 500+ individuals via our live video feed. We have established ourselves as one of the highest quality behavioral healthcare events on the east coast.
The conference’s impact has reached well beyond South Carolina’s borders with participants coming from all across the Southeast region and as far as Australia, South Africa, Germany, England, Canada, Hawaii, California, and Arizona.
Benefits include:
- Developing relationships with several influential public and private organizations
- Engaging in quality conversations with thousands of mental health professionals
- Supporting a great cause while expanding your network
- Building brand awareness through our extensive marketing efforts
Interested in being a part of our 2025 conference? Contact David Diana at 843-696-0977 or at info@mhheroes.com.
Advertising Rates
We offer ad space in our full color conference program that is distributed to all in-person attendees. An electronic version is also distributed to the more than 500 virtual attendees and participants.
If interested email us at info@mhheroes.com.
Bag Insert Opportunity
Rate: $450
One flat rate allows you to include any number of give-away items, brochures, or flyers in our 1,200+ conference bags.
If interested email us at info@mhheroes.com.
Supporter & Exhibitor Levels
✦ A 16′ x 10′ booth at the exhibit hall at the most visible front location (includes 4 chairs, 2 tables, table skirts, full exhibit booth back-drop, electrical).
✦ Your choice of booth back-drop color (choose your companies colors to stand out from the crowd).
✦ Two 12 seat VIP Executive Boxes in the performance hall (24 of the best seats in the house; A special experience for your partners, customers, and staff).
✦ An additional display space in the Performance Hall Auditorium Lobby to ensure maximum visibility with attendees at all times.
✦ Two page full color informational ad placement in conference program.
✦ Full advertisement on back page of conference program.
✦ Logo on conference bags.
✦ Logo placement on advertising promotional poster/screen thanking primary supporters (located at entrance of performance hall).
✦ Logo recognition/placement on all our email correspondence to attendees.
✦ Logo recognition on all marketing/promotional materials (e.g., flyers, postcards, online ads, emails).
✦ Marketing materials in conference bags.
✦ Highlighted homepage logo placement on conference website.
✦ A full-page company feature on the conference website.
✦ Branded conference marketing flyers featuring your company information and logo.
✦ Recognition by conference leadership on stage for both days.
✦ Photo opportunities with board of directors & leadership team.
✦ Organization name display in rotating intermission slideshow (most featured logo).
✦ Promotion and recognition through conference Facebook & Twitter accounts during our marketing campaign.
✦ Recognition in any media coverage the conference may receive.
✦ Access to attendee contact information through our E-Networking Directory (a PDF file).
✦ Virtual commercial produced for our virtual attendees.
✦ Logo placement on our virtual platform.
✦ A prominent exhibitor listing (full page with logo) in front pages of our E-Networking Directory.
✦ Premier exhibitor booth placement at the front of the hall (a large 16′ x 10′ booth that includes 2
chairs, table, table skirt, full exhibit booth backdrop, electrical).
✦ A Gold booth backdrop to stand out from the other exhibitors.
✦ A 12-seat VIP Box in the performance hall (A great way to impress customers, partners, & staff).
✦ An additional display space in the Performance Hall Auditorium Lobby to ensure maximum visibility with attendees at all times.
✦ Promotion and recognition through conference Facebook & Twitter accounts during marketing campaign.
✦ One full-page color informational listing in the conference program.
✦ Branded conference marketing flyers featuring your company information and logo.
✦ Logo placement on advertising promotional poster/screen thanking platinum & gold supporters (located at entrance of performance hall).
✦ Logo Recognition/Placement on all our email correspondence to attendees.
✦ Logo recognition on all marketing/promotional materials (e.g., flyers, postcards, online ads,
✦ Marketing materials in conference bags.
✦ Logo placement in footer section of conference website.
✦ A half-page company feature on the conference website.
✦ Recognition by conference leadership on stage for both days.
✦ Organization name display in rotating intermission slideshow.
✦ Promotion and recognition through conference Facebook & Twitter accounts.
✦ Virtual commercial produced for our Virtual Attendees.
✦ Access to attendee contact information through our E-Networking Directory (a PDF file).
✦ A prominent exhibitor listing (with logo) in front pages of our e-networking directory listing.
✦ Prime exhibitor booth placement (a 10 x 8 booth that includes two chairs, table, black table skirt, exhibit booth back-drop, electrical).
✦ A eight-seat VIP Box in the Performance Hall (A great way to impress customers, partners, and staff)
✦ A half-page advertisement on the conference website.
✦ A half-page listing in the conference program.
✦ Organization name display in rotating intermission slideshow.
✦ Promotion & recognition through conference Facebook & twitter accounts during our marketing
✦ Access to attendee contact information through our E-Networking Directory (a PDF file).
✦ Virtual commercial produced for all virtual attendees.
✦ A prominent supporter listing (with logo) in the front pages of our E-Networking Directory listing.
✦ Supporters will also gain added exposure & visibility through the marketing efforts of our speakers. Several speakers have large followings via their websites and on social media.
✦ A 10 x 8 exhibitor booth for the event (includes two chairs, table, black table skirt, exhibit booth back-drop, electrical).
✦ A four-seat VIP Box in the Performance Hall (A great way to impress customers, referral sources, partners, & staff)
✦ A quarter-page advertisement on the conference website.
✦ A quarter-page listing in the conference program.
✦ Organization name display in rotating intermission slideshow.
✦ Promotion & recognition through conference Facebook & twitter accounts during our marketing
✦ Access to attendee contact information through our E-Networking Directory (a PDF file).
✦ A prominent supporter listing (with logo) in the front pages of our E-Networking Directory listing.
✦ Supporters will also gain added exposure & visibility through the marketing efforts of our speakers. Several speakers have large followings via their websites and on social media.
GENERAL EXHIBITORS – $1,500 (for profit) -$1,100 (non-profit; limited availability)
✦ Listing in the conference program.
✦ Logo display in rotating intermission slideshow.
✦ Receive ongoing service/support through our conference VIP team to ensure your conference experience is the best it can be.
✦ Live music at the exhibit hall.
✦ Access to attendee contact information through our E-Networking Directory (a PDF file).
Questions? Please contact David Diana at 843-696-0977 or email David at info@mhheroes.com.

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